"Why People Hear the Dead."

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"Why People Hear the Dead."

Post by bindeweede »

I stumbled across a recent article from Steven Novella. He links those claiming to be clairvoyant, clairaudient or clairsentient to “Fantasy Prone Personality”.
When a person claims to hear, see, or feel something through ESP, then, what is happening? Likely, many different things. In some cases there is good reason to suspect (or there is even solid evidence) that the person is simply lying. Convincing others that you have special access to hidden knowledge can be lucrative. But assuming that in at least some cases the person claiming to experience ESP is sincere, what is happening? (And to be clear, this is not a strict dichotomy, as there is a full spectrum of people mixing sincere belief with “shortcuts”.) Is this all a learned behavior, or are some people neurologically or psychologically predisposed to the subjective experience of ESP?
https://theness.com/neurologicablog/ind ... -the-dead/
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