Blind Mystic Baba Vanga's predictions for 2019.

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Blind Mystic Baba Vanga's predictions for 2019.

Post by bindeweede »

2019 will see Europe's economy collapse, Trump struck down by a mysterious illness that causes hearing loss and Putin survive assassination, she says.
Perhaps also worth adding......."She died in 1996 aged 85, but has still been predicting what is in store each year."

Any guess which reputable journal came out with this? ... urope.html
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Re: Blind Mystic Baba Vanga's predictions for 2019.

Post by Ketchup »

The Bulgarian Nostradamus ---

Baba Vanga was a blind Bulgarian woman, known as mystic, clairvoyant, and herbalist from the region of Macedonia, who spent most of her life in the Rupite area of the Kozhuh mountains, Bulgaria.

All that stuff about a World War III, and other similar stuff, it would seem, is just government-financed propaganda. She was illiterate, and not in a position to confirm, verify, edit or correct anything that was written about her.

From The Independent - December 2015: ( ... 65071.html )
Who is Baba Vanga?
Baba Vanga was born Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova and led an ordinary life up until the age of 12, when folklore says she mysteriously lost her eyesight during a massive storm or freak tornado.
According to the story, her family found her several days later, her eyes sealed shut and encrusted with a thick layer of dirt and dust.
She later said she experienced her first vision during the days she was missing, and believed she had been given the ability to heal people and predict the future.
Quickly attracting a cult following, she was visited by Bulgarian tsar Boris III during the Second World War.
She later served as an adviser to the Bulgarian Communist Party leaders, some of whom allegedly exploited her to further their own agendas.
It was alleged she used data gathered by Bulgarian secret services to win the trust of her visitors, which included many foreign and domestic politicians.
The house where she worked was reportedly bugged, and there is some suggestion she may have been manipulated to give suggestions to visiting politicians.

Excerpts from an interview with Baba Vanga's close neighbours and friends made in July 2010.
The interview is in Bulgarian with translation of the important parts.
“Каква война? Ванга никога не е правила такива предсказания! Някой си ги измисля, после други ги преповтарят и така се стресират хората. Спекулират с името й, защото всички й вярват”, коментират дългогодишни съседки и приятелки на пророчицата в Петрич. Бойка Костадинова близо 50 г. е била сред приятелките на пророчицата.
Translation: "what war? Vanga has never made such a prediction! Somebody fabricates (those predictions), than others repeats them and the people are getting stressed (by the predictions).They speculate with her name, because everybody believes what she has to tell" says her neighbor and friend. Boyka Kostadinova has been friend with Vanga for 50 years.

Ели Горева казва, че непрекъснато сънува Ванга. “На 11 август почивам, на 12-и ще се чудят дали да ми вземат мозъка за изследване, на 13-и ме погребват, на 14-и пътувам, а на 15-и ще бъда на трапезата на Богородица”, спомня си Ели страшния сън. Сигурна е, че Ванга знаела кога ще настъписобствената й смърт.
Translation: Eli Goreva tells what Vanga told her about her own death. "on 11th of August i'll die, on 12th they will consider whether or not to take my brain for study, on 13th i'll be buried, on 14th i'll travel, on 15th of August i'll be on the dining table with the Holy Mother"

“Виждаше и в миналото, и в бъдещето, но предсказания за Трета световна война не съм чула да е правила.” Горева смята, че и предсказанията за атентата срещу кулите близнаци в Ню Йорк, потъването на “Курск”, избора на чернокож президент на САЩ също са преувеличени. Появили се след смъртта й и никой не обявил кога ги е чул от Ванга.
Translation: She was looking into the past, and the future but prophecies about third world war i have not heard from her". Goreva tell that the prophecies about the 9/11, the Kursk and about the black president of USA are also fictitious. They have appeared after her death and nobody have told when she has told those prophecies.

Строго се придържала към библията. Казвала, че всичко за света е описано в нея, но трябва да се чете внимателно и да се тълкува.
Translation: She has lived by the bible. She has said that everything about the world is said in the Bible, but it should be read carefully and to be interpreted.

Душеприказчикът й Петър Баков, с когото са обсъждали живота извън материята, също не е чувал предсказания за война. “Питал съм я, но все ми казваше: “Не бой се, сине, нема страшно. Нема да има Трета световна”, спомня си Баков. Смята, че животът отвъд материята, който не можем да видим, няма да допусне унищожаване на земята. “Ние сме продукт и плод на извънземния разум. Няма майка, която да убие детето си”, допълва петричанинът.
Translation: Peter Bakov, with whom she has talked stuff about the world, also have not heard about third world war. "i have asked her, but she always told me: do not fear my son there is nothing to fear of. There would not be a III world war" - he tells. Life beyond matter, which we can not see, will not allow annihilation of the Earth. We are a product of an extraterrestrial intelligence (knowing that she has been a firm Christian i am quite sure she is talking of God and not aliens here). There is no mother who will kill her child" remembers Peter.

Side note:
Рядко говорила за политика, но често повтаряла: “От Съюзо не се делете, оти ке патите.”
Translation: She rarely spoke about politics, but she often said "Don't separate from the Union (meaning Russia), because you will suffer"
This is directed at Bulgaria which at that time held close ties with the Soviet Union (Russia).
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Re: Blind Mystic Baba Vanga's predictions for 2019.

Post by Tony.Williams »

Aww, Ketchup - why did you have to go and spoil a perfectly good story? :cry:
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Re: Blind Mystic Baba Vanga's predictions for 2019.

Post by Matt »

My predictions for the coming year

Canada adopts the French Republican Calendar
Bitcoin becomes self aware, discovers existential angst and commits virtual suicide. Nobody notices.
President Trump goes on strike to protest a hostile work environment leading Paul Gascoigne to intervene.
Aston Villa Football Club fields an entirely left footed starting XI
Switzerland sinks beneath the waves.
Elon Musk returns to his home planet.
Jeremy Corbyn is elected Prime Minister.
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Re: Blind Mystic Baba Vanga's predictions for 2019.

Post by chaggle »

Sorry mate - I was with you until the last one but you've lost it.
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Re: Blind Mystic Baba Vanga's predictions for 2019.

Post by Ketchup »

The blind mystic apparently foretold that the US president would suffer from “a mysterious illness” in 2020 - which will leave him deaf and with a brain tumour.

Vanga's supporters also claimed that she predicted the 45th president will be with a "messianic personality", who will be faced with a crisis that eventually "brings the country down" Image Image
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Re: Blind Mystic Baba Vanga's predictions for 2019.

Post by chaggle »

But are those predictions or postdictions?
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Re: Blind Mystic Baba Vanga's predictions for 2019.

Post by AniyahGrimes »

I believe in the predictions of Vanga and other soothsayers. Almost everything she predicted is gradually coming true. Do you believe in the predictions of modern psychics?
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Re: Blind Mystic Baba Vanga's predictions for 2019.

Post by chaggle »

Hello. Can you give us a couple of predictions of Vanga that are due to happen so that we can see if they come true?
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Re: Blind Mystic Baba Vanga's predictions for 2019.

Post by Ketchup »

What's coming in 2023 according to Baba Vanga?

Doctors will perform biological weapons tests that will lead to the deaths of many people.
A star will explode, lighting up the sky for 5 years.
Aliens will attack earth and we won't have electricity for three days and three nights
Nuclear explosions
A dangerous virus will affect birds ... 40248.html
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Re: Blind Mystic Baba Vanga's predictions for 2019.

Post by chaggle »

Bio weapons test - could be Covid - but happened in 2019/20

Stars explode frequently but I suppose obvious, visible ones are rarer. Anyway does it mean the explosion happens in 2023 of the light from the explosion gets here in 2023?

Alien attack - should be verifiable

Nuclear explosions - should be verifiable

Bird virus - Bird flu happens frequently - not news
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Re: Blind Mystic Baba Vanga's predictions for 2019.

Post by DaniellaThornton »

I believe in the predictions of only those psychics I personally communicated with and was convinced of their abilities. Unfortunately, in today's world, you can often meet deceivers and charlatans. Their main goal is to extort money from people who ask them for help. I am sincerely sorry for those people who have had bad experiences with psychics. For example, I have been consulting for many years with a [link= ... c_reading/]psychic medium[/link], whose contacts I found on the Internet. Of course, it is very important to filter the information you receive. I think that there are really few competent psychics who can help people with their serious problems.
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Re: Blind Mystic Baba Vanga's predictions for 2019.

Post by chaggle »

Hello 👋

How do you differentiate between genuine psychics and charlatans?
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